Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Pakaian Muslim Online Pada Gallery Muslim Pontianak

Anisya Rachman, Gusti Syarifudin


This research was conducted at Gallery Muslim Pontianak store, which discusses the online sales information system in doing activities sales, customer data storage to sales report. The form of research is conducted with case studies with research methods using waterfall, while data collection techniques with observation, interviews and documentation studies. Designing a online sales information system using UML with the Python programming language and for storing data using Sqlite3 and testing the system using black box testing. The results of the design of the online sales information system can provide the needs of product demand fromĀ  every consumer quickly and accurately, and hopefully can help the company in product marketing process


Penjualan Online; Toko Gallery Muslim Pontianak; Unified Modelling Language; Waterfall Model; Python; Sqlite3;

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