Perancangan Penjualan Online Produk Cinderamata Khas Kalimantan Barat Pada Toko Noble Pontianak

Haryanto Haryanto, Budi Susilo


The development of the online sales business makes Pontianak Noble Shop participate in it. They sell some products like souvenirs from West Kalimantan. This online sales website facilitates the sales process, recording process, process of input and output report and reducing operational costs and to do expanding market. This observation uses survey research with Linear (Waterfall) Sequential method. The design result of Online sales website is a form of an interface that is easy to use and it can have some of facilities like processing customer profile data, selling for all product items, detailed description of goods, all ordering goods (products) online. The website makes it easier shop owner to give an optimal services, simple website display makes visitors feel easy when use it to do  transactions, there is a income increases because it does not only come from physical stores and guaranteed store data security. The online sales website at the Pontianak Noble Store can be an example for entrepreneurs, especially MSMEs, to grow their current business.


Website; Online Sales; Souvenirs West Kalimantan; Sekuensial Linear (Waterfall);

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