Website Penjualan Untuk Sekolah Dasar

Muhammad Noor Hidayat, Hendra Kurniawan


Website sales sales is a website devoted to elementary school children, in the website designed with the needs of elementary school children now, like school clothes, school supplies, attributes school, and school supplies. Products sold on the website obtained from conventional stores, so the products on sale are very diverse, on the website the products on sale are already categorized according to the wishes of consumers. In the development of this sales website author using form research case studies. The research method used was research and development or better known as the Reasearch and Development. As for the data collection Techniques used are obeservasi, interviews and documentation study. Model design of software used is a model Ravid Application Development. Data collection techniques used are primary and secondary data. Website development on the website is built using the PHP programming language and the Java Script as well as a database that uses MySQL. Website authors produce consists of display product page, the display of the product type, the display of the user's main page, page views, how to purchase the shopping cart display page, and display the contact us page. The existence of this sales website is able to introduce and sell products online as well as generate information – information that is sold, enhance citra sehinggan better known by people especially parents who want to buy equipment the school.


RAD; UML; PHP; Java Script; MySQL; Website

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