Pemanfaatan Teknologi Web Service pada Integrasi Data Obat Apotek Indo Sehat, Apotek Indo Sehat 2 dan Ibnu Sina di Rasau

Gladis Rimaniar, Rusmanto Lianto


The author conducts research on the Utilization of Web Service Technology for drug data integration in several pharmacies, namely Indo Sehat Pharmacy, Indo Sehat Pharmacy 2 and Ibnu Sina Pharmacy which is a pharmacy group in Rasau to meet the needs of checking drug stock data between pharmacies that have different platforms database in each pharmacy. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation studies with primary data obtained from interviews and secondary data obtained from data, tables, diagrams and articles and journals from previous research. In this study, the author uses a form of case study research, while the research method used is research and development methods or better known as Research and Development (RAD). System modeling used is the Unified Modeling Language (UML) which is obtained based on data from use case diagrams, activity diagrams, statechart diagrams, sequence diagrams and class diagrams. The programming language used is Java and MySQL, PosgreSQL, MariaDB as the database. The results of this study will produce a web service system used by the Pharmacy group to meet the demand needs of each customer quickly and accurately, and is expected to help smooth the sales process.


web service; platform; Research and Development (RAD); Java and Unified Modeling Language (UML)

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