Perancangan Perangkat Lunak E-Commerce Menggunakan Model RAD Pada Casual Store Ngabang
The author conducts research on E-Commerce Design and Software at the Ngabang Casual Store to meet effective information needs for customers and make sales transactions that can be done anywhere. With this system, Casual Stores can expand sales activities in accordance with the times. In this study, the author uses a form of case study research, while the research method used is research and development methods or better known as Research and Development. The data collection techniques used are observation, interview, documentation study. As for research instruments such as procedures for selling goods, shipping procedures, and reporting. Research variables are product list, detailed list of items sold, price data, and photo documentation files and transactions related to the object of research. In the analysis and design method, it is used to design and analyze a good system through E-commerce software design and testing methods using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. The results of this design produce an E-commerce website created with the PHP and MySQL programming languages. This system provides effective and integrated information such as search features, the latest products, payment methods, shopping baskets that instantly add prices, basket contents stored in the database according to order IDs, order history and dynamic interactions with visitors. This system can also help the Shop to manage website content through the web admin to delete, add, edit and save existing data and can produce output in the form of sales transaction reports and inventory reports that can be printed automatically.
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