Perancangan Dan Pengujian Diagnosa Kerusakan Mesin Mobil MPV Dengan Case Based Reasoning

Christofer Christofer, Budi Susilo


The development of the automotive world, many automotive industries that produce cars with the most recent capabilities. Cars are one of the means of transportation that is widely used by Indonesian people. The Indonesian Association of Automotive Industries (Gaikindo) noted that car sales in the January-March 2018 period reached 291,827 units. Damage to the car engine occurs due to negligence in carrying out maintenance. Users often complain, or have experienced confusion if the car being driven suddenly breaks down in the middle of the road. The reason is due to the limited knowledge of car users about the signs of damage to the car. In particular, MPV (Multi Purpose Vehicle) cars. Therefore, research requires the use of information technology through a method that combines expertise and knowledge of experts to build a new knowledge application based on a based case. This research uses a case database which is called the Case Based Reasoning method, the programming language used is Visual Basic programming language. With this system, it is expected to provide convenience to technicians and car users to find out the symptoms of damage to the MPV (Multi Purpose Vehicle) car engine


Case Based Reasoning; Diagnosis; MPV Car Engine Damage; Similarity Value

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