Perancangan Sistem Penjualan Online Pada Toko Prima Putussibau

Dayang Juli Purwanti, Ponti Harianto


Sales at the Prima Shop Putussibau require a new innovation to build a system that can support the company's activities in reaching all market segments. Business activities at Prima Putussibau Store currently still apply offline sales methods, namely sales that only rely on physical stores and recording goods is still done manually by company employees. Responding to these problems the authors designed an online sales system at prime stores. The research method used is Increamental Development. The data collection techniques used are observation, interview, documentation study. To model the system from starting to model system information for companies to web applications, the author uses UML (Unifield Modeling Language). The results of this design produce an online sales website made with the PHP and MySQL programming languages.


Online Shop; UML; Incremental Development; PHP; MySQL

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