Rancang Bangun Web Scraping Pada Media Online Berita Nasional

Muhammad Ahkam Adli, Listra Firgia


The development of advanced information technology, as it is now, makes people faster in accessing information and news. Along with the number of online news site service providers, readers must move to news sites to see quality and quality news. Scraping technique is a technique used to retrieve, analyze and process a data from a different system or document. The application built utilizes web scraping technology to retrieve data on various national news sites. The design method used is Prototype, a system modeling tool is the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Data collection techniques with observations by observing and analyzing existing websites as appropriate references for writing and documentation studies by collecting data relating to the application of web scraping on the website through scientific journals, and e-books on the internet relating to this research. The results of this study make it easier for users to read the news. Users do not have to see news per site, only with one website can see all the news from various sources and make it easier for users to prevent hoax news.


Web Scraping; News; Prototype; UML

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30700/.v1i1.800

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