VELOSX: Projectile Motion Visualization Application with Augmented Reality
In learning projectile motion and its velocity, students tend to look up a plain two-dimensional image in a science book. While there’s some educational props, yet they usually a very tradional ones and can not be used for real calculation. The utilization of Augmented Reality (AR) in educational method may raise curiosity and gives a unique way in learning projectile motion as the motion can be seen in a three dimensional. Augmented Reality itself is a combination of real world and virtual objects. This application uses the Vuforia SDK that able to blend the real world and virtual objects. Through this application, we were able to simulate projectile motion and its velocity in more realistic way, have slightly interaction with the reality, and gets input from user so they can learn and see the result of the parameter that they entered. Thus, with the advantage of AR the application gives a more realistic feel compared to the existing ones available in public as it could receive any input and show the output in AR.
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