Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Kriptografi Menggunakan Gronsfeld Cipher, Vernam Cipher dan Ron Code 4 Stream Cipher

Ade Lita Noviani, I Dewa Ayu Eka Yuliani


The process of sending data is done as the internet media, and other media. Basically the data transmission without any security to the content of the data sent, so that when the tapping on the flow of the delivery of data that can be intercepted immediately read tappers. For that required software as a supporter using a particular method of encryption (cryptography) so that the messages contained in the data sent to be safe. The data collection techniques used in this study with literature study to obtain the theory of cryptography Gronsfeld Cipher, Vernam Cipher and Ron Code 4 Stream Cipher. While the software design method using RAD (Rapid Application Development) The design of software using Microsoft Visual Basic.Net programming language of this design resulted in a combined cryptosystem application Gronsfeld Cipher, Vernam Cipher and Ron Code 4 Stream Cipher. Combined cryptosystem software Gronsfeld Cipher, Vernam Cipher and Ron Code 4 Stream Cipher in the presence of this device, confidentiality and authenticity of information will be more awake


Perangkat lunak kriptografi; Kriptosistem gabungan; Gronsfeld Cipher; Vernam Cipher dan Ron Code 4 Stream Cipher; Visual Basic.Net; Prototype;

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