Penerapan Sistem Penjualan Online Dengan Collaborative Filtering Pada Kuker Hesti

Retno Marwati, Wahyu Sindu Prasetya


Kuker Hesti is one of the businesses engaged in the sale of pastries. The information system carried out by the store "Kuker Hesti" is still conventional, it still uses brochures to introduce its products, it is only done by offering and waiting for customers to arrive and the customer cannot choose the product that suits his needs in the sense of selling without an information system. Information about the types of cakes obtained by consumers by coming directly to the store so it is still less effective. Therefore, a website-based online sales information system is needed so that the products sold by Kuker Hesti stores are better known to the public. This website uses collaborative filtering methods to recommend and display quality and favorite methods, the PHP programming language, MySQL as its database, and RAD as a method of analysis and design. The purpose of designing this online sales website is to understand the sales system and online sales strategy to increase profits and ease of transactions.


Collaborative Filtering; php; mysql; website; RAD;

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