Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Point Of Sale Berbasis Web Pada Toko Banlie Mart Di Kabupaten Bengkayang

Muhammad zulkifli, Velwin Wibowo


Banlie Mart store in Bengkayang regency requires a effective transaction recording system, it requires innovation in building a transaction system. The system built is expected to help the company reach all market segments. Because the business activities still implementing offline sales methods on physical stores and recording of products is still done manually by company employees. To meet the needs of companies and customers, Banlie Mart Store in Bengkayang need a Website-based application for customer data sales and storage. This research form is a case study using the Agile Software development method Development. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation study. The design method used is the Extreme method Programming with the system modeling tool is Unified Modeling Language (UML) obtained based on data from use case diagrams, activity diagrams, statechart diagrams, sequence diagrams and class diagrams. The programming language used is language PHP and MySQL as the database. The results of this study will produce a systemwebsite-based used by the Banlie Mart Shop in Bengkayang to meetthe need to sell goods from each customer quickly and accurately, as well asexpected to help in periodic reporting


Sales Website; Extreme Programming; Unified Modeling Language; PHP; MySQL;

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