Perancangan Basis Data Pembelian Penjualan Dan Persediaan Barang Pada Toko Alif
Alif Shop is a shop engaged in the sale of men's clothing, which is located on Jalan Wak Dalek Pontianak. In recording purchase transactions, sales, inventory of goods and the recording of the Alif Shop report is still manual, and making that requires a relatively long time. In building a system of purchasing goods, sales of goods, inventory of goods and reports of the Alif Clothing Store the authors use this form of research in the form of case studies and with prototype design methods. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Research based on recording transactions in sales and recording reports on the Pontianak Alif Shop was built using NetBeans IDE programming language 7.3.1 The database used is MYSQL. The application that the author produces consists of the menu item, customer menu form, supplier menu, sales transaction form, purchase transaction form. With this application can facilitate store employees in the process of finding goods, processing transactions, and making reports.
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