Perancangan Aplikasi Penjualan Sepatu Berbasis Web pada Zashkiya Shoes Pontianak

Ridwan Masdar, Rusmanto Lianto


A requirement to produce an effective system for innovative on Zashkiya Shoes Pontianak to build a system that can help companies in the framework of all market segments. Because the business activities Zashkiya Shoes Pontianak still use offline sales methods. To meet the needs of company and consumers, Zashkiya Shoes Pontianak need a website based on customer data sales and storage. The form of research is a case study, using Research and Development method. The design method used is the Incremental Development method, with the system modeling tool is the Unified Modeling Language (UML) obtained based on data from use case diagrams, activity diagrams, statechart diagrams, sequence diagrams and class diagrams. The programming language used is PHP and MySQL as the database. The results of this study will produce a web-based system on Zashkiya Shoes Pontianak for meet the shoes sales requirements of consumers in quickly and accurately, and can help the store in products marketing.


Website Sales; Incremental Development; Unified Modeling Language;PHP; MySQL

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