Penerapan Least Square Untuk Prediksi Stok Barang Pada CV Pelangi Sintang

Firmandika Esa Putra, Tri Widayanti


The daily transactions activity in CV Pelangi Sintang make pile up transactions data. This company needs big database, if it's not, that transactions data become piles of garbage. But,to providing goods, CV pelangi sintang has delayed stocks. This has an impact to production of goods process longer. Mining data has any algorithms and methods that usefull to resolve problems in CV pelangi sintang, one of them is Least Square. Least square algorithm is algorithm that much used some companies to predict the amount to be used in future. In this case, the writer will be use Least Square Algorithm to predict the sum of goods will be use in future. the goal is to predict selling of goods until get an useful information in take decision on providing goods. The result of this research is to make a desktop-based application that can predict item, so that can make CV Pelangi Sintang easy in doing item placement to be more effective and efficient. for further application development, researcher can improve Least Square Algorithm to be more simple and can improve the program design dekstop.


Data Mining; Java; Least Square

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