Implementation of Cloudflare Hosting for Access Speed on Trading Websites
Companies that are currently developing pretty much do marketing via the website. Website becomes something very important that must be owned by trading companies engaged in the Export and Import sector. Trading websites that are currently running have flaws in terms of speed of access. The process of cloudflare hosting implementation research for access speed on trading websites uses the waterfall method which has stages such as Requirement Analysis, System Design, Implementation, Testing, and Maintenance Operations. The results obtained from this research process in accordance with the waterfall method used is successfully implementing cloudflare hosting to increase the speed of website quality to reach 100%, can even reduce spam, save bandwidth and cut open time for website pages 50% which means higher speeds. Knowing the shortcomings of the website before implementation, through cellular access speed is only 13% while through the desktop 50% and knowing the details of numbers and speed units of the website both before and after implementation. The next research that can be done is to compare the performance of cloudflare with radware, Akamai Prolexic, and Neustar.
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