Edhy Sutanta, Khabib Mustofa


Abstract: Bantul District Government has been developing e-Gov applications through the development of application systems 28 and 34 websites, and the two GIS-based applications. Application system is used for internal data processing needs, while the website and GIS-based application used to display the content information to the public. One application of ICT is an urgent problem to be addressed by the Bantul regency is how to integrate data between systems and between the existing website in order to provide accurate nd consistent information. This problem arises because each application system and website are still using the separately database, and the development of new systems are always developed a new database and repeat the data entry process from initial. This paper reveals how to utilize the potential national people database in the e-ktp systems and integration in 17 priority application systems and 21 existing website. Three strategies for integration between the proposed system is to utilize the population as a master database, web services development strategies, and web services modeling strategy. By using the national people database, then the system of existing applications and websites can be communicated with each other through the mechanism of data exchange services using web services. By using a single source of verified data, then the system of existing applications and websites will result in an accurate and consistent information. 

Keywords: Bantul regency, database, e-government, integration, web services.


Bantul regency; database; e-government; integration; web services;

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