Improving Students’ Writing Skill in Descriptive Text through Think Pair Share Method Academic Year 2018-2019
Dwi Suci Amaniarsih
This dedication activity is to find out how the application of Think Pair Share learning methods in improving students’ ability to develop descriptive text. Subjects in this dedication activity are grade X students of Harapan 3 Senior High School Medan. Based on the results of this dedication, it was found that there was an increase in students' knowledge and understanding in the ability to develop descriptive text. Besides that, there is also an increase in students' courage in developing descriptive texts. Thus it can be concluded that the Think Pair Share learning method can improve the students’ ability in developing descriptive text in grade X of Harapan 3 Senior High School Medan. Some of the factors that support the implementation of community dedication activities are the amount of interest and enthusiasm of participants during the activity, so that the activities take place smoothly and effectively. While the inhibiting factor is time constraints.
Think Pair Share; Descriptive Text
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