Improving Motivation, Interest, and Strategies for Learning English Based On Genders

Dina Irmayanti Harahap


In the current global era, there will be more developments occur in this country. Starting from free marketing and the growing number of foreign companies in Indonesia so that the use of international languages such as English has been used very widely, of course for prospective entrepreneurs and job seekers. It is a must to be able to master English in order to be able to keep up with the times in this era of globalization. English is the most widely used language in the world. It is the mother tongue for more than 400 million people worldwide. In every day millions of people use English at work and in their social life. When the head of government meets, English is the language most often used. And when people from different nations meet each other, English is the only language used by them. Having experienced a combination of various words from various languages throughout history, modern English has a very large vocabulary, with complex and irregular spellings, especially vowels. Modern English is not only a combination of European languages, but also from various languages throughout the world. The Oxford English Dictionary contains a list of more than 250,000 different words, not including technical, scientific, and slang terms that are also very large in number.Even if it is seen from the importance of the role in English today, many things must be done to improve the effectiveness and time efficiency in learning English. For example, having daily conversations in English speaks that the cadets of cadets at SMK Pelayaran Samudra Indonesia Medan will go directly to the sea and interact with various kinds of people from abroad so it is important to be proficient in English conversation.  With the presence of learning media in the form of books that contain conversations or more familiar with conversations relating to daily life at SMK Pelayaran Samudra Indonesia Medan, the school needs to train cadets about the use of English to facilitate foreign language skills considering that in Indonesia English is still a Foreign Language and not as a Second Language. Based on the explanation, that is why this training is important and needs to be done to improve motivation, interests, and strategies for learning English based on gender.


motivation; interest; strategy; learning english; gender

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H. B. Uno, “Teori Motivasi dan Pengukurannya,” Bumi Aksara, Jakarta, 2006.

S. B. Djamrah, “Psikologi Belajar,” Edisi 2, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 2008.


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