Pengujian Dan Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Data Mining Dalam Menilai Siswa Berprestasi Pada SMP Kecamatan Semparuk
Along with the development of technology that is increasingly rapidly and it cannot be denied that the technology as secondary to the needs of its users. So far this technology has also been applied to several fields, one example the presence of technology in the education sector which allows its users to do the process of assessment of student achievement. Data mining to determine the value of students achieving good results in addressing the issues facing schools in providing information that is timely, accurate and efficient for those who need the information, where the information terkadung data storage media in a specially prepared. Research using the web-based application with PHP programming language that can access each school. Classification based on the criterion of subjects divided into three clusters, namely, C1 (not accomplished), C2 (enough) and C3 (achievers). The third cluster of obtained results that most affect the value of the most high is a high achieving students
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