Pemanfaatan Web Service Untuk Sistem Pendaftaran LPPM IKIP-PGRI Pontianak
The development of web technology increasingly touches all aspects of community life and develops in various sectors and is followed by Android as a mobile platform that is now the main attraction of making various applications, various parties that utilize web and android technology as infrastructure to facilitate giving a new one every day and allows each individual to interact with other individuals without the need to face to face directly. Web service is present as a computational entity that is accessed through internet and intranet networks with certain protocol standards in the platform and an independent programming language interface. The web service architecture is built by several layers and interconnected technologies. written based on XML and can be accessed by different entities inside and outside the network, the existence of these standards makes web services easily accessible through various interfaces and also provides opportunities for them to be made as systems built on different platforms and discuss differently to collaborate or integrate in a job.
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