Pemanfaatan Framework Bootstrap Dalam Merancang Website Responsif Untuk Toko D2 Adventure

Timotius Jejen Riasinir, Widyasari Widyasari


Now the most important approach for websites is responsive design. This will allow the Now the most important approach for websites is responsive design. This will allow the website to look and function properly on mobile devices, tablets and various types of computers. Web bootstrap technology is a framework for responsive web design development. That is, the web display made by bootstrap will adjust the screen size of the browser that is used both desktop, tablet or mobile device. In this study, the author uses a form of case study research, while the research method used is Research and Development. The data collection techniques used are observation, interview, documentation study and internet access. The software design model used is the Rapid Application Development model consisting of planing, design, construction. To model the system from starting to model system information for companies to applications, the author uses Unifield Modeling Language. Software uses PHP programming language, with MySQL database, and Bootstrap framework. The results of this design produce a website-based application on D2 Adventure that is more responsive, websites look and function well on mobile devices, tablets, and various types of computers. The online sales website at D2 Adventure can attract new consumers, reduce, risk when heating, and enhance the online image of D2 Adventure so that it is better known to the public.


PHP; MySQL; RAD; UML; Framework Bootstrap;

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