Perancangan Aplikasi Dropshipping Produk Smartphone Berbasis Web
Need to produce an effective sales system requires a new innovation in building a system that can assist businesses in reaching market segments. Because the business activities require communication media to make a booking and storage of customer data is typed manually by employees of the company. To meet the needs of customers needed a web-based application for sales activities and customer data storage. Used in this study is a case study using the method of research and development Research and Development. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and studies with primary data obtained from interviews and secondary data obtained from the data, tables, diagrams and articles and journals from previous studies. Design method used is the method Sequential Linier/Waterfall with the system modeling tool is the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the programming language used is PHP language and MySQL as the database. Results of this study will generate a sales website that is used to meet the needs of every customer requests quickly and accurately, and is expected to assist in marketing the product.
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