Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Data Mining Pemilihan Jurusan pada Sekolah Kristen Makedonia Ngabang

Fourensia Labat Paskharida, Utin Kasma


The development of information technology current days is very fast and has an inmportant part in all of life aspect includes education institude. Technology has become secondary needs for the users. Makedonia Christian Schools that has a role in education field. This senior high school has large amount of students that will continue their education to the next level. Clustering is the one of data mining method that mostly use to classify the data according to certain score and algorithm tha being used is K-Means Algorithm. K-Means algorithm is an algotihm which can determine the data to its own group according to score mean. The purpose af this research is to know how to apply data mining database in order to determine student’s major in Makedonia Christian School. Methodology that being used in this research is Rapid Application Development(RAD) method and desktop application with visual basic 2010 program. The result of this research in the form of “pemilihan jurusan” application which can help student to determine the major that they will take.


Macedonia Christian School; Data Mining; Visual Basic 2010; K-Means;

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