Perancangan Data Mining Apriori pada Apotek Kurnia Singkawang
Apotek Kurnia Singkawang is one of the unit pharmacy that included on selling medicine. Their activities of daily transactions on Apotek Kurnia Singkawang make stack data on database bigger. If this problem ignored, transaction data will be a stack of useless data that can harm because need a database larger. Then need a application that can choose a important data from database. Although until now service activity and transaction in Apotek Kurnia Singkawang have not experienced risked problem, but this situation can be obstacle factor in increasing service along with more transaction and item type that saved in certain periode of time, then can cause diffecult apotek owner to find out the available medicine stock. Data mining included some of algorithm or method that can be use, one of them is apriori algorithm. Apriori algorithm is a algoritma that can be use to find apattern relationships between items that are often purchased in a store. The purpose of this research is to apply Data Mining in database selling trancsaction medice on Apotek kurnia Singkawang. Result of this research is in the form of a website that can analysis what item that purchased on the same time, then can be used to specify item placement to increase value of sales Apotek Kurnia Singkawang. To further development application can be used in entire apotek. Application further development can simplifying the coding of the Apriori algorithm program and improving it in the program design.
Data Mining; Website; Apriori;
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