Perancangan Data Mining Menilai Kenaikan Jabatan Pada PT.SIA
The advancement of information technology has increasingly developed rapidly in all fields of life. Lots of data generated by technology and various other areas of life. Data mining is a process that employs one or more computer tracking techniques to analyze and extract data analysis, which is often included as a Data Mining method the purpose of which is to group data with the same characteristics into the same ‘region’ and data with chracteristics different to other ‘regions’. The algorithm used for clusters is C4.5 algorithm. C4.5 algorithm is one method for making decision trees based on training data that has been provided, while the design method uses extreme programming, and the system modeling is UML. Form the research made produced a data mining clustering application using C4.5 algorithm which produces a decision result that is useful to assist in making decisions in the promotion of employees at PT.SIA who are eligible in the promotion.
Data Mining; Clustering; C4.5 Algorithm; Extreme Programming;
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