Perancangan Website Penjualan Pada Online Shop Luxmoire Dengan Framework Laravel Dan Bootstrap
The need to be able to increase sales and reach wider consumers, Online Shop Luxmoire needs a new system. Currently Online Shop Luxmoire marketing and its services only use Instagram accounts, so building a new system that can reach market segments by utilizing a website is needed. In this study, the author uses a form of case study research, while the research method used is Research and Development. The data collection techniques used are observation, interview, documentation study and internet access. The software design model used is the Rapid Application Development model consisting of planing, design, construction. To model the system from starting to model system information for companies to applications, the author uses UML (Unifield Modeling Language). Software is built using Laravel PHP Framework and Bootstrap CSS Framework, with a MySQL database. The results of this design produce a website-based application on Online Shop Luxmoire by providing effective information such as search features, managing data items, managing sales and managing content on the website. Sales website at the Luxmoire Online Shop is designed to attract new consumers, make it easier for consumers to find the items needed, enhance the image of the Online Shop Luxmoire so that it is better known to the public, giving owners the convenience of managing and providing services to consumers
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