Perancangan Sistem Data Mining Market Basket Analysis Terhadap Data Penjualan Toko Elektronik

Padil Muhammad, Sandy Kosasi


Website data mining is a system that useful for digging data information as an information and marketing media. The author conducts the research on sales transaction data to make a system, that can make the system easier to use in extracting data information by doing processing sales transaction data using data mining market basketball analysis. Development in website data mining market basket analysis is carried out by analyzing the need, to know what is needed from development, the author do it by collecting the data that consists of primary and secondary data. The method of data collection are interviews and documentation. The form of this research is study case. Research method that used by author is Research and Development, as we know the result of this method is produces certain products and tests the effectiveness of the product. Data collection techniques that used in this research are observation, interview and documentation study. The process of creating a website data mining market basket analysis on this sales data is uses the PHP programming language using Sublimetext 3, while the database that used in this research is MySQL.  The method software design that used is Rapid Application Development (RAD) in the application of a system. With this website data mining creation can support work efficiency and effectiveness, facilitate data processing and get combination information of sales data in order to increase competition in marketing.


Data Mining; Market Basket Analysis; MySQL; Rapid Application Development (RAD)

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