Perangkat Lunak Pengadaan Sparepart Di PT.Galaksi Bumi Jaya Pontianak

Doni Perdana, Hasan Hasan


Data mining is a system that is useful for extracting data information as a medium of information and marketing. The author conducts research on sales transaction data to design a good system, which can facilitate use in extracting data information by processing sales transaction data using data mining. This research was carried out on "PT. Bumi Gaksi". "PT. Galaksi Bumi Jaya" is a company that sells heavy equipment spare parts which was established in 2016 which is located at Jalan Purnama, Purnama Permai Complex 2 No.AA2. At PT. Bumi Jaya Galaxies the sales information system applied is considered to be less effective and efficient, because transaction data stored for years is not utilized as well as possible. The more data, the company needs more effort to process data so that it can be used as useful information in the future, one of which is using data mining techniques. A data mining is needed to make the relationship between the intem set index in determining the items that are often purchased, with data mining expected to provide a contribution in decision making from a problem. This system uses a priori algorithms to do association analysis. The process of making a data mining website on this sales data using the VB.Net programming language by using the database used is MySQL. While the software design method used is the Incremebtal Development method in implementing a system. With the creation of this data mining processing software can support efficiency and effectiveness of work, making it easier to do data processing and get information from a combination of sales data in order to increase competition in marketing.


Data Mining; Apriori Algorithm; MySQL; Incrental Development

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