Penerapan Algoritma Twofish dalam Perancangan Aplikasi Chat Berbasis Android

Florensius Laylim, Muhammad Qadafi Khairuzzaman


Chatting is two way communication between one person or several people in text, voice and video. This research was designed based on the advantages of WhatsApp, which looks good and simple so that it’s easy to understand, but WhatsApp users can’t see other users. Therefore, this designed chat has a look that resembles WhatsApp and can see other users. This chat application is not designed to replace WhatsApp. This chat application uses the Twofish algorithm as a security chat message and is stored in the firebase. The Twofish algorithm can generate chipertext with a different character length than a original plaintext or message. Software design method using Rapid Application Development. Application testing using the User Acceptance Test. Chats are designed using the Java programming language with Android Studio Application. The research from the application of Twofish algorithm in the designing android-based chat application in the speed of message encryption and decryption process can run well and the chat future can also run well. For the development of this application can to be better, it is expected that reliable reader or programmer can add futures to this application so that users are more comfortable using this application.


Chatting; Twofish Algorithm; Rapid Application Development; Android Studio; Firebase

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