Perancangan Sistem Pakar Pendeteksi Kerusakan Komponen Jaringan Menggunakan Metode Case Based Reasoning

Hansel Pratama, Sandy Kosasi


Expert systems are computer programs designed to model the ability to solve specific problems like an expert (humam expert). An expert is an individual who has a superior understanding of a problem, for example a doctor, car engine expert, computer technician, and so on. In its preparation, the expert system combines the rules of inference reasoning with a certain knowledge base provided by an expert in a particular field. Problems that occur are IT staff who are less experienced in the field of LAN network component damage is the reason why using technicians. The method used in designing expert system applications to detect network component damage is the Case based reasoning (CBR) method. The expert system design method used is a prototype The modeling technique used in designing expert system applications is using UML (Unified Modeling Language) because it is an object-oriented modeling method and focuses on defining static structures and dynamic information systems models. Expert system designed using Visual Basic 2012. Testing method using alpha testing. The conclusion of the system application design is the use of Case based reasoning (CBR) method to help a more accurate diagnosist because the quality used can determine the problem more precisely.


Expert System; Inference Engine; Case Based Reasoning

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