Pencegahan Serangan Cross Site Scripting dengan Teknik Metacharacter pada Sistem e-Grocery

Rino Firmansyah, Wahyu Sindu Prasetya


E-Grocery is an industry term for online shopping, where customers choose and pay directly online. E-Grocery is a shopping revolution where usually every day we have to force ourselves to shop in traditional markets, now we can shop at home with just one click. The internet provides consumers with new media to obtain useful information and to buy goods, information and services. Cross Site Scripting or better known as XSS is one of the methods used by attackers to inject HTM or Javascript code into a vulnirable web page against XSS. Cross Site Scripting is often overlooked in the construction of websites, along with the use of dynamic web applications. The vulnerabilities that arise actually threaten the relationship of users and website owners. The XSS attack method used also developed along with the development of web application protocols, the languages used also developed. Therefore there is no guarantee that XSS attacks will not develop.


XSS; e-Grocery; Metacharakter; Aneka Mart; Online Shop

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