Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Penjualan Online Berbasis Web Pada Toko Premium Store Sintang

Tio Buki Bertu, Robertus Laipaka


The research objective is to apply the incremental development research method which is the basis of the agile approach consisting of Specification, Development Software and Validation. The data collection techniques used are observation, interview, documentation study. To model the system from starting to model system information for companies to web applications, the author uses UML (Unifield Modeling Language). The results of this design produce an online sales website made with the PHP and MySQL programming languages. Software system design includes front-end parts and content management systems that specifically exclude intermediaries, reduce sales operating costs, facilitate delivery, and receive payments online. The test results show that the sales digitization process has accurate verification of the navigation system, data collection of shopping cart contents, easy tracking of processing of order data, and confirmation of receipt of payment.


Online Shop; Incremental Development method; Unifield Modeling Language

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