Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Untuk Kebutuhan Manipulasi Sebuah Objek Citra Digital

Ari Kurniawan, Hasan Hasan


The author conducts research on imagery or images using the convolution method. Where the aim is to make it easier for users or users to make image improvements in images that have noise. The research form that the writer did was by using data collection techniques that were carried out by online literature study, observation and also collecting and obtaining data to be carried out in the research. The research method used in this study is experimental research methods, namely conducting experiments (testing) and direct object manipulation, to get satisfactory results. The software design method used by the author is the RAD method which has five phases, namely business modeling, data modeling, processing modeling, application generation, testing and turnover. The design tool that the author uses in implementing the software design is Visual Basic .NET (Visual Studio 2008) with research instruments in the form of algorithms, flowcharts and pseudocodes. The results of the proposed design are in the form of applications that can do image smoothing and image sharpening.



Image; Convolution; RAD; Visual Basic .NET; Image Smothing; Image Sharpening

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