Penerapan Data Mining Apriori Data Penjualan pada Dual Computer Pontianak

John Steven, Budi Susilo


To find out what items can be used by consumers, can be done using analytical techniques that are analysis of the habits ordered by consumers. Apriori is an algorithm used to determine the pattern of relationships between products that are often purchased in stores. Application needed to select data from the database. Similar to the current service and transaction activities in Dual Computer Pontianak have not achieved a meaningful goal, but of course this is currently an inhibiting factor in improving services as more transactions and types of goods are stored in a certain period of time, but it is difficult for parties in inventory available hardware. The purpose of this research is to apply Data Mining to the sales transaction database which can analyze what items are purchased, can be used to determine the effective price of goods to increase the sales value of Dual Computer Pontianak. Researchers use desktop-based applications with JAVA programming languages. The results of this study are applications that can be used to determine the price of goods that are effective to increase the value of sales on the Dual Computer Pontianak. To make this development so that this application can be used throughout the store. Developing further applications can be improved on simplifying the Apriori algorithm coding program and also improving the view program design.


Data Mining; Java; Apriori

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