Perancangan Data Mining Apriori pada RYN’Smart Mempawah

Adang Kaswara, Amar Pegirosa Natasuwarna


Along with the rapid development of technology and can not be denied that technology as a secondary need for the users. In business competition, requires developers to determine a right strategy that can increase sales. To find out what items are purchased by consumers, can be done by using market basket analysis techniques, namely analysis of the habits purchased by consumers. Apriori is an algorithm that is widely used to determine the pattern of relationships between products that are often purchased in a store. The purpose of this research is how to apply Data Mining in the item sales transaction database of items at RYN 'Smart Mempawah, and want to know the application of the Apriori Algorithm on any items purchased together. Researchers use desktop-based applications with JAVA programming languages. The results of this research is Apriori Applications that can analyze any items purchased together, so that they can be used to determine effective item placement to increase a sales value at RYN's Smart Mempawah.


RYN’Smart Mempawah; Data Mining; Java; Apriori

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