Penerapan Penalaran Berbasis Kasus Untuk Pemilihan Lensa Kamera Cannon
The variety of camera lenses available to users of digital cameras is an advantage of these products, but the difficulty of users in choosing the right lens is the main problem when they want to buy it. By implementing a case-based reasoning system, we can identify the problems and needs of each user. Which is then used as a diagnostic database for the camera lens needs of each user. Allows other users to help each other in choosing the right and efficient camera lens. Designing applications using Visual Basic .Net and with case-based reasoning methods we can collect data about the specifications of a lens and its price. Which will then be processed through 4 stages of Retrieve, Reuse, Revise, Retain. Save the data in the MySQL database and then use it to make decisions based on its similarity value. The results of the research with the highest score approach the accuracy of the previous case resolution that can be relied upon and help the user in choosing a camera lens.
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