Diabetic Wound Segmentation Using Masking Contour Image Processing

Wien Fitrian Roshandri, Ema Utami, Agung Budi Prasetio


Measuring the wound area in diabetics is still using a manual way with a wound ruler. Whereas the ruler affixed to the wound will become a contaminated agent that can transmit the infection to other recipients. Digital measurement methods are needed to solve the problem. However, clarifying the boundaries between the wound and the skin requires carefulness and high accuracy. For this reason, it has needed an imaging method that can do segmentation between the wound and the skin boundary for diabetic patients based on digital, called digital planimetry. This study uses a masking contour image processing algorithm from the Hue, Saturation, Value (HSV), Then doing iteration five times and gamma filter. So the result of segmentation is formed. This study concludes that the segmentation with this method has not been able to perform the segment properly, and it requires more masking values, but the results of the 5th iteration got a minor error, which is 0.002%. The digital imaging carried out in this study could be developed to be a digital-based diabetic patient wound measurement tool.


Digital planimetry, Image processing, HSV, Diabetic wound, Contour image

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